Iorio's Gelato Blog

Gelatistas of the Month



East Lansing


Katie Beth

Ann Arbor

Bravo Katie Beth and Rachel

Katie Beth works for our Ann Arbor location and Rachel works at East Lansing. Their co-workers have nominated them as our Gelatistas of the Month.

How long have you been working at Iorio’s?

R: I have worked at Iorios since the EL location opened in 2015 so almost 2 years!

KB: I've been working here for around a year

What is your favorite part of being an Iorio’s gelatista?

R: My favorite part of being a gelatista is the opportunity to interact with customers and introduce them to the wonderful world of Iorios!

KB: My favorite part of being an Iorio's gelatista is making people happy with gelato! 

Coke or Pepsi?

R: I'm definitely loyal to Coke, especially of the McDonalds variety... They scientifically have the best coke! (Look it up!)

KB: I prefer Coke.

What are your dreams for the future?

R: My dream is to be a middle school language arts and literature teacher with a healthy, happy family :)

KB: In the future I hope to own like twenty dogs.

If you had to which would you choose? Melted gelato or cold coffee (coffee that was once hot, not iced coffee)

R: I'd probably say cold coffee since I have admittedly done this on occasion...

KB: And I would go cold coffee! You can always pretend that it's iced.
